Club Bulletin # 290818

Hello Fencers!

  • It's back to business as usual as we return to our Oasis Academy Brightstowe home. For those who have forgotten or never knew where we were, look here: 

  • As a fitting start, we have our McNeill Cup Team Sabre competition for August.  It's the quintessential White Eagle event and goes back to our beginnings.  It's fun; it's mayhem.

  • The month's deferred Epee Championship will be until Saturday (01/09/18).  There's still plenty of prodding to be done though, as spadassins wend back from their Summer resorts

  • There is comforting continuity and there is exciting change: A beginner's sabre course starts on Wednesday, September 5th (7:30pm to 9pm).  It's a chance to get those basics really nailed down.  I'll be taking the course, so expect the usual digressions, reprised anecdotes and indecipherable diagrams on the whiteboard: classic coaching.  Details and enrolment form are here:

  • On 12th December (6pm to 7:30) we begin the Bristol Fencing Academy: a training session for juniors who would like to develop their  There will be training games, individual progress logs and focussed tuition - as well as fencing.  Details and enrolment are here:

  • Coach, Martin Dale will be leading foil he club at our Wednesday sessions, giving that weapon the support its growing popularity deserves.

  • Our happy sojourn at Ashton Park is captured in these photographs from Saturday's session: from the Durant powerbeat-fleche to some excellent sabre skills - yes, it's Prime! (photography: Anna Grodent).