Club Bulletin # 081118: Last Minute Changes of Venue For 10th Nov.: Adult & Secondary School Age Fencing At The Docklands Settlement T1 Primary Sabre At Badminton School

Hello Fencers!

At the last minute it has been sprung on me that there will be maintenance work on Saturday at our Oasis Academy Brightstowe  venue.  That means we will have to go elsewhere for just this Saturday.  The club session will be at the Dockland's Settlement at the St Pauls's Settlement, 74-80 City Rd, Bristol BS2 8UH. There's a map here. It will start at 10 and finish, as usual, at 12:30. The venue isn't huge but I'm sure our club spirit come shining through. It will be a struggle to bring as much kit as usual, so please let me know if you will be requiring anything.  All adult and Secondary School age fencers should go to the above venue. Refreshments might not be available, so please bring your own.

The T1 Primary School Championships will, however be in the fencing sale at Badminton School's sports centre, BS9 3AX (map here). This is the venue for Primary School age fencers. Please bring a packed lunch and water as we can provide neither at this venue.

My most abject apologies for this disruption. The change is only for the 10th November session.
Please call 07981927787 if you need advice or assistance.

See you soon,