Club Bulletin # 091018: Junior Eagles Fencing Films SW Sabre

Hello Fencers!

Our junior fencers improvised a team match for themselves on Saturday. The looser format on Saturdays is designed to compliment the new Academy sessions but individual lessons are still available for juniors on Saturdays and in the club sessions that run-on after the Academy on Wednesdays. 

Our younger cadres were satisfied with a poule unique for their respective age groups. 

Anna Grodent has shared this link to the excellent Academy of Fencing Masters website. which has a short review of recent films on fencing. They include one club favourite, By The Sword, that depicts what might be our own club's clone, according to some accounts ;)  Please feel free to send in your own favourite fencing moments from stage, screen or literature.

Anna flew the Eagle banner at Sunday's South West Sabre Championship, going out to in the DE to a left hander after getting to 14:14 with priority but somehow failing to have her hit register: the dreaded whip-over lockout.  Our semi-own Jon Dawkins did well in the Men's Sabre and grabbed a bronze and top veteran spot in the consecutive SW Foil.  Well done to both Anna and Jon for doing the club much credit.

See you soon,