Just a reminder that on Friday (15th Dec.), we have our Xmas Social at The White Bear, Kingsdown: http://www.whitebear-bristol.co.uk/ . There will be pool darts as well as sparkling conversation and music. I'm hoping that it's more this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rha-6qG4OQ than this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD7sqGJ3NBg&t=133s .
As this Saturday will be our last weekend session of the month, we'll be holding our epee championship for November. I look forward to seeing the usual standard of high octane prodding.
We will be missing our sessions of 23rd, 27th and 30th December but meeting as usual today (13th Dec.), Saturday (16th Dec.) and Wednesday 20th December. We'll resume on Wednesday 3rd January, 2018.
Don't forget our friendly at Churchill FC on the 27th December. I'll be posting details and directions in the next bulletin.
Our roving reporter, Jon Mason, has sent his latest report from the Challenge Mondiale U17 in Grenoble http://challenge.escrime-parmentier.fr/resultats/ (there are video links on that page):
"Not such a successful weekend for GBR all the mens team epee were out in the first round and one woman made it to the L32 in the individuals.
"And same thing on the Sunday all the women's teams were knocked out in the first round but none of the men made it past the L64.
"It was very tough the Italian's dominated. Luke won 4 out of 6 pool matches in the first round and survived the cut. The second round of pools was alot harder winning 2 losing 3 but only by one point so again he survived the cut.
"This placed him 64th and his first D.E was against a 65th spanish seed. A very hard match with the Spaniard attacking fast while taking the blade, Luke managed some disengage counters scoring doubles but needed single hits so changed tactics and started attacking with some loverly well timed direct actions though he was punished if he chose the wrong moment by very quick parry/ripostes, but he stuck with it winning 15 11.
"Unfortunately the next opponent was the current world champ and no1 seed an Italian left hander, he was lightening fast and precise it was all over before the end of the 1st round.
"Luke fought his best and didn't give up and scored 5 hits a very honourable experience and amazing to watch.
The Italian won and his colleagues came 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th!!"
See you soon,