Many thanks to Robert and Sharon for hosting another delightful club social. I couldn't attend but I have received glowing reports of the gemutlichkeit and fun had by all.
The McNeill Cup winning sabre team for September was: Luke Rakshan-Parast, Xavier Hillier and Dan Wilkinson. Four teams fought it out, over two rounds and the matches were tense and close fought. Well done to the winning team and well done to all.
The foiners had their own championship - as yet unnamed - on Saturday. It was a close fought affair, with a three way tie on victories decided on indicators. The result was: 1st Rob Hillier; 2nd Jon Mason and 3rd Nick Scott-Samuel.
Due to the increase in numbers of epeeists, a little investment in kit has been required. A couple of French handle epees should soon be in the club stock and another SmartBox is on order.
You might have noticed the intermittent white lights we have been getting on the SmartBoxes, when set for sabre. Here, from their inventor and manufaturer, is the explanation: "I've noticed that the non-FIE LP boxes tend to be more tolerant of faults and non-valid hits in foil. I did consider making the SmartBox also ignore brief faults but I decided I'd rather stick to the FIE regulations by default and add the option to change it in the menu; you can completely disable sabre fault lights in the menu, and foil has the option to reduce the sensitivity of non-valid hits." Whether we should disable the sabre fault lights or not I leave to sager heads than my own.
Our semi-own (he foils for BFC) Jon Dawkins and wife Ann each received British Fencing's Award of Merit at last Saturday's AGM. Well deserved recognition for both.
Anna Grodent flew the flag for us in the SW Sabre and acquitted herself well in only her second competition. Well done Anna!
See you soon,